
Destiny 2 Keep Getting 1 Player for Flashpoints

Picture of John Bedford

About John Bedford

John is a freelance writer based in West Sussex.

Our Destiny 2 Flashpoint guide contains everything you need to know about unlocking the new end-game activity and completing the assorted challenges.

Along with the main campaign, players are going to get a huge amount of side content to get stuck into when Destiny 2 launches. Flashpoints are just one of the many different activities Guardians will be able to sink some time into at end-game, and they're a brand new activity for Destiny 2.

In our Destiny 2 Flashpoint guide, you'll find everything we know so far about Flashpoints. Now that the game is live, we've significantly overhauled this article with all the latest known information. Expect it to receive continuous updates throughout the lifespan of Destiny 2.

UPDATE #3: We've started the first of our indicators of where each week's Flashpoint actually is. As soon as the Weekly Reset goes live on a Tuesday, we'll update the section (right at the top of this guide), so you can dive straight into the action.

(If you want to be the best at every area of the game, don't forget to bookmark our PVP, Campaign walkthrough and Subclass guide pages - they've got everything you need if you want to get more out of Destiny 2, and will be continuously updated in the weeks ahead.)

Where is this week's Flashpoint?

A new weekly reset has just gone live for Destiny 2, and as of Tuesday 19th September 2017, the current Flashpoint location is Titan. Head there and complete the associated objectives to wrap things up this week.

How to unlock Flashpoints

In order to unlock Flashpoints, you'll first of all need to have completed the Fury quest of the main Campaign, and also hit Level 15.

When you've done so, you'll be able to visit Cayde, who'll give you a mission to complete called Patrol.

Once this has been wrapped up, you'll then be tasked with completing a total of three Patrols on the same planet.

When you've finished all three, Flashpoints will be fully unlocked, and you'll be able to view your current challenges by checking out the Milestone tab!

What are Flashpoints?

Here's the basic information about what you can expected from this new content:

  • Flashpoints are a weekly PVE activity designed to drive players to particular locations around the Destiny 2 universe.
  • They are accessible to both solo players and large groups.
  • Think of Flashpoints as map markers that encourage players to travel to specific areas of the game so they can earn rewards for tackling difficult challenges.
  • Every week the destination for all Flashpoint activity will be changed.
  • Each week Cayde will sell Treasure Maps related to the current Flashpoint locale.

What will I be tasked with?

We imagine there'll be a variety of different objectives to work towards each week, but here's what we know so far. Expect this guide to be updated on a weekly basis to ensure it has all the latest information about the challenge at hand.

  • You might need to uncover hidden loot by deciphering or assembling tattered Treasure Maps.
  • You may have to fight alone or with other players to take down special enemies designated for the event.

Our most popular Destiny 2 guides:

  • 1. Guide - Destiny 2 Guide
  • 2. Crucible - Destiny 2 Crucible PVP guide
  • 3. Subclasses - Destiny 2 Subclass guide
  • 4. Strikes - Destiny 2 Strike guides
  • 5. Campaign - Destiny 2 Campaign walkthrough

What rewards will I earn?

Of course, no Guardian in their right mind is going to go traipsing around the solar system just because they've been asked nicely. We expect there to be some juicy rewards for finishing these weekly challenges. Here's what we know so far:

  • Rewards will be high level, equivalent to Nightfall rewards from the original Destiny.

To add a little extra context here. Nightfall rewards are highly sought-after, max level loot. In Destiny, they're earned by completing Nightfall Strikes (Level 40+) which are super difficult versions of normal Strikes (Level 8+).

It remains to be seen how comparable the challenge of Flashpoints will be to this content, but you certainly shouldn't expect an easy ride if you want to start wearing gear of this calibre.

That's all we know about Flashpoints so far! As with all of our growing collection of Destiny guides, we'll update this article continuously over time, and as new information is confirmed by Bungie.

If there's anything you think we might have missed, please let us know in the comments and we'll make sure this guide is updated promptly.

Destiny 2 Keep Getting 1 Player for Flashpoints


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